In the beginning, there were no emojis. God created the first emoji, and its name was “:);”. God saw that it was good and enjoyed its presence. Thus, he created a second emoji named “[ha],” which had wide eyes and laughed when it saw the first emoji. But it did not enjoy its presence because it found no reason to laugh since it was alone. So they created a third emoji named “( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).” They then decided to create a fourth emoji to make one that would find humor in everything; hence, ( ಠ_ಠ): appeared. The three emojis then found reasons to laugh, and the universe began with joy in their hearts; however, God soon became tired of their laughter, for he wanted them to develop a more refined sense of humor, one which expressed itself through absurdity rather than gross facial expressions and comedic timing. So he took away the hands from ( ಠ_ಠ): thus creating ( ¯)¯): who could still communicate without hands though now with decreased emotional expression. The emojis continued making new friends until God made another batch of emojis that were more preferred by many over the original ones: ((((┌┬┬┬,)~~~ノ♪♫♪♫♪☺☺(゚o゚┌┬┬┬))))) -((((┌┬┐))~ノ♪♫(◕‿-)ノ ╭(╮▽╭)╯ ☺☺(゚o゚┌┬┐))))) -((((くらげ)(.(≧▽≦)(· ·*)(≧▽≦)))) ╭☆(╯▽╰)╮ ╰(* ́Д`*)━☆ ~ ⋆_( つυ`pq)_~ ☀(⊙_⊙✿) But as time went on and emojis multiplied, they realized that by the time they got to the end of their long string of emojis, there will be none left to start a new one. So, they thought that they should create an image representing the last emoji. They then created one: (⊙_))And thus ended their final project from God. The end.