CRYPTOBALLET CLASS is a series of 3D dance pieces that reimagine ballet classes using new protocols, codes, and paradigms of body and movement made possible by mixing dance with 3D animation and simulation techniques. The fundamentals of ballet are used as a basis for configuring the initial setup of the 3D physical simulation, such as gravity, floor impulsivity, immobilization of joints and muscle groups, movement speed, fiber tone, weight of parts, body volume, among other elements. The movements and final choreography are generated entirely by procedural physical simulation, without keyframe animation or motion capture. With CRYPTOBALLET CLASS I continue to ask: how to dance in Web 3.0? How to choreograph in the metaverse? How to reprocess the revolution sparked by the relationship between dance and 3D simulation? As a dance artist, I seek creative answers to these questions by articulating dance and 3D, NFTs, web3 and metaverses, provoking a dialogue between the classical and the contemporary and reflecting on the future of Art and Dance. When I create dances with digital materials, my entire body is involved in this process. In my body, there is no distinction between physical performance and digital dance. I believe that this has to do with the future of relationships in metaverses, with the conditions of existence and forms of coexistence mediated by digital technologies. Other bodies, other movements, other dances. CRYPTOBALLET CLASS is a prequel to the creation, in the near future, of a 3D reinterpretation of a historical work of dance, such as Swan Lake or The Nutcracker.