The film explores the connections between Armenia's Mount Ararat and René Daumal's Mount Analogue, drawing parallels between their visible but inaccessible nature as inland mountains. By bearing witness to this environment, the film explores how our identity is formed through our interactions with the landscape, and how the boundaries between personal biography and geography become blurred. Film offers a deep reflection on our relationship with the mountain and the way in which it influences our perception of ourselves. “Besides, often at difficult moments you'll catch yourself talking to the mountain, flattering it, cursing it, making promises or threats. And you will have the impression that the mountain answers you if you speak to it properly—by becoming gentler, more submissive. Don't think the less of yourself for that; don't be ashamed of behaving like those our specialists call primitives and animists. Just keep in mind, when you remember these moments later on, that your dialogue with nature was just the outward image of an inner dialogue with yourself.” ― René Daumal, Mount Analogue Generated in Cinema 4D