Audiovisual performance "It is a kind of awareness, a moment of meditation where your perception of life changes. It’s not like nirvana, it’s a new perception of life that remains. You are in front of this big frame that is motorised. It is an abstract show, Etienne is playing and we have this frame that is changing your perception of the theatre space. The 2D frame becomes 3D, with architectural beams of light. It’s a kind of abstraction like a Malevich painting in motion. We tried to describe this “Satori moment” without it being a self- meditation. The idea is quite simple, it’s only one frame describing the different perception of space and reality." Satori is an audiovisual performance spatially organised around an evolving scenic sculpture. In a mind-blowing live show, it combines Étienne Jaumet’s analogue sounds with Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves’ three-dimensionsal and architectural lighting. They launch the spectator into a space and time that has no defined borders and where meaning is flexible. Satori also addresses the issue of a postculture connected to the aesthetis of video mapping, moving from the spectacular to the sensory, going beyond the musical scene without, however, bowing to the codes of live performances. Video projection on motorised sculpture (6 x 5M). Duration 35min. Collaborators Etienne Jaumet, musician Thomas Leblanc, Technical manager Thomas Pachoud, Technical director, programmer Julie Tippex, Booking Production With production support from Arcadi Île-de-France, Stéréolux Nantes, Le Manège de Maubeuge scène Nationale. With contribution of DICRéAM (CNC). Video credit : Stereolux