Eternal Revolutions of Techne

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Three Hares is a symbol that has been found in caves and churches from East to West. With the earliest discovered in China (Dunhuang Mogao caves, dated to the 7th century), it traveled to Mongol metalworks, Iranian brass trays, Islamic glasswares, synagogue ceilings, eventually reaching English churches, pick up different meanings along the way. Inspired by the mysterious life of a symbol shapeshifting in meanings, Wendi Yan created a diptych meditating on the undying theme of technological and cultural transference in the history of civilizations, across time and geography. On the left, the Dunhuang cave breathes, the three hares spring forrth from an undulating rock lotus, powering an eternal life force. On the right, in an unspecific future, the cave painting becomes a mechanical instrument. Surrounded by aluminum clouds, the three hares revolve as a machine of perpetual motion.

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software-based art
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