Signals from the rooftop!

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This project in a way contemplates the meaning of travel through time, from physical journeys in the offline world in ancient history to the shift in perspective regarding surrounding online spaces and accessible virtual locations in contemporary times (Due to the creation of the internet.)! A change in the meaning of physical location and virtual space in today's world! Are we constantly leaving our secure places and traveling to other virtual locations every day because of the internet? The idea for this project originated from exploring the theme of "Andaruni". Andaruni (Persian: اندروني‎ "inside") in Iranian architecture is the inner quarter where women lived in traditional Iranian households. This concept has been likened to a harem in Arabic culture. In traditional Persian residential architecture, Andaruni constitutes the private quarters of the house. Women can move freely without being observed by outsiders (Na Mahram) and interact with family members (Maharem) without adhering to strict dress codes or wearing the Hijabt, (Also, it restricted women and imposed limitations on their freedom in parallel). During the three-month COVID-19 quarantine, I sought psychological safety within my apartment, I spent hours in confinement, gazing at virtually accessible cloud storage, I tried to look at it as a gateway for travel and attempting to expand my living environment. This project embarks on a journey to evoke, connect, and reflect on the concept of psychological security, transitioning from the "physical spaces" of traditional architecture to the "transformations in contemporary architecture." It aims to instill trust in "cloud spaces" as the foundation of virtual architecture, reinterpreting the Andaruni concept with a taste of freedom in the context of the digital age. The exploration of these themes forms the core of my work, marrying architectural traditions with technological advancements, and creating a journey between past, present, and future.

computer animation
software-based art
software-based art
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