The Rapid Follies animation is made using the "Direct Animation" technique. They are a collection of personal notes, from some pages of my diary from the year 2013, the writings I interpreted them into images while working on the realization of the film. Normally, when you want to create an animation, you prepare boards where the drawings are a first draft. In my case, I used some drawn sketches as an accompaniment to my texts, using them as ideas; in doing so, I decided to predict the movement of the film, from the drawings and words that appeared static on the sheet by acting with a dry point and etching the emulsion on the voilé film, dreaming the movements. It is a risky approach but one of considerable stimulation for the brain. The shapes representing the text vary: they are abstract because they start with simple lines but, with the time of the running of the reel, they also evolve into objects recognizable by the human eye, or perhaps not. I chose to use an emulsion film and then work by etching this layer since I was interested in representing the vision of these stories, in a kind of immersiveness, a place similar to a black hole in which there is suspected to be no life, or objects, anything. The animation was drawn and set on 35mm color and sound-band film. It's the tail film of films and therefore developed. The Rapid Follies film was made with the valuable cooperation of the Augustuscolor Cinematrographic Production House in Rome. I made use of their developing and printing lab, the 35mm moviola, the final digital transfer through Telecinema.