video, 5′ 40”, colors, sound, 2013 The use of the images is authorised by ERF EDGAR REITZ FILMPRODUKTIONS GmbH Muenchen 53 seconds of images taken from Heimat by Edgar Reitz accompanied by a piece of music in G Major and a piece of music in G Minor. Music changes, images remain always the same. It is a work about the pervasive power of music, how music influences not only our feelings but also our visual perception: we deform and distort the image just to adapt it to the rhythm and to the melody we are hearing. Consciously prevails the sensation that the visual image captures our full attention and all our senses; in reality and in spite of ourselves music determines tyrannically our perceptions, sensations, feelings, shaping and diverting thoughts at his pleasure. The video exemplifies this experience thanks to three big examples, Vivaldi and Mozart for the music, Heimat by Edgar Reitz for the image.