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‘SINGULARIS’ (2019-2020) deals with biological and information technology granular processes of postdigital life forms. Singularis is a granalysator in which collected biological matter is scanned into pointclouds and transformed through an audiovisual granular system. A complex network of synthetic bodies is created, forming a web of interactions. Existence as a post-digital life form implies the dissolution of man into a synthetic granular body that can only exist in a virtual world. The audiovisual real-time performance and video installation Singularis has been created in a first version in 2019 and further developed in 2020. The technological foundation of the project is Unity used with the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). Using a high-end consumer graphics processing unit (GPU), this setup allows to render visuals in real-time in a quality, complexity and with dynamic lighting which has been previously possible only with offline rendering. The real-time setup in turn makes it possible to use unprecedented 3D live visuals in a performance setting, whereby animations and lighting react dynamically to sound created with SuperCollider.

cyber performance
generative art
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