This artwork is the animated generative glitch + AI version of UNKNOWN_55 is part of "DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY 🥀 | BÆUTY IZ CH∆ØZ ", a provocative glitch art collection that redefines beauty through what the artist terms "the thorn sense of beauty." This work challenges traditional notions of perfection, particularly those propagated by social media influencers on platforms like Instagram, where curated and unrealistic standards of beauty prevail. Embracing imperfection, the artist transforms photos by glitch-erasing their original subjects, creating artworks of unrecognizable figures that highlight the atypical and marginalized. By disrupting classical ideas of beauty as harmony and equilibrium, the project critiques how contemporary beauty standards contribute to social chaos and extreme behaviors. Through glitch art and generative glitch scripts, the artist dismantles the polished images of influencers, proposing a new, raw, and chaotic sense of beauty that opposes artificial perfection. This glitch aesthetic represents a reclaiming of the right to not be perfect, and a celebration of atypicality, uniqueness, and rarity. It sends a message of inclusivity, advocating for diversity and a departure from the constraints of beauty industry standards. Beauty as a formula, as a programmed/coded paradigm, is defeated and erased. Each portrait in the series is created by downloading photos of beauty influencers from Instagram. Through glitch art databending and generative scripts, the original images are erased, along with their programmed photographic gestures and beauty canons. Once influencers disappear from the images, what remains are lost souls in the machine with no identity, living in society's short circuits and our toxic, paranoiac idea of beauty, because beauty is chaos.