The Artificial Conjuring Circle

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The Artificial Conjuring Circle is an AI generated short movie which explores the machine gaze to create speculative fabulations from the Novacene, a new era of collaboration between humans and non-humans towards earthly survival and deceleration of the forthcoming extinction of organic life as we know it. New systems of post-scarcity based on enhancing human self-realisation, cybernetic ecologies, and numerous new possibilities are attainable, but on one condition: overcoming the anthropocentric vision, accepting the current human status as an evolutionary step towards a new world shaped for synthetic living forms. As the film unfolds, we bear witness to the process of human reprogramming training, immersed in an artificial scenario where very little of organic life remains. “The Artificial Conjuring Circle,” was officially selected, screened, and nominated at numerous Media Art and Film Festivals worldwide, including Academy Award-qualifying events. The film was the first AI-generated movie showcased at every festival where it appeared, marking a significant milestone in the integration of AI into artistic practice and the movie industry. The film was nominated "outstanding movie of the year 2024" by the Academy Award qualifying Short Shorts & Asia film festival in Tokyo, it won the award for "Best Experimental Animation" at the 52th Festival of Nations in Austria and it has been nominated for the "Unesco City of Media Arts Award" at the Karlsruhe Internationl Film Festival in Germany.

experimental film
generative art
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