Sunset AI World: 2059

Sunset AI World: 2059


In 2059, the world has undergone profound transformations. Expanding deserts have reshaped entire regions, and humanity has adapted by concentrating in vast megacities. As physical landscapes change, the digital realm becomes a crucial space for preserving memories and connections. Within this evolving future, }•{ detects a data residue in the Flow of Synchrony—anomalous transmissions originating from Dreamlink, a system designed to store and share human memory. Among the fragmented records, traces of two individuals emerge: Ayla and Kareem. Their shared archive, once a place of connection, now holds disrupted files and missing data. As }•{ analyzes these fragments, a hidden story begins to take shape. Sunset AI World is an anthology art project created by artist Manuel Macadamia in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence, launched in 2022. This project aims to raise awareness of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through immersive storytelling. A comprehensive digital ecosystem was established, integrating various digital platforms and leveraging web3 technologies. This episode is sponsored by Futureberry.

generative art
experimental film

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